Happiness is your choice and not your destiny: Join the movement #MainKhushToHiIndiaKhush


Dr KK Aggarwal    11 October 2019

India is unhappy as a country. So, it would seem according to the World Happiness Report for 2019. 

India has slipped further down the list in happiness rankings this year as compared to 2018. India now ranks 140 out of the 156 countries surveyed, while last year India was placed at 133rd  position out of 156 countries.  

Happiness or rather unhappiness therefore is a very relevant topic today and needs to be addressed.

At least 10% of people in society today are depressed. And more than 75% people are unhappy today. The stress of day to day life is making most people unhappy.

Remember that you are responsible for 90% of your happiness: 45% is based on your past choices and 45% based on your present choices. Whatever you do is based on your past experiences and whatever you choose to do may turn out to be either good or bad.

Only 10% of your happiness is not in your hands. And, it is this 10%, which needs to be managed.

Stress is the reaction of the mind and the body to the interpretation of a known situation. The answer to this lies in changing the interpretation of the situation or think differently.  The reaction of the body can be changed via relaxation, meditation, pranayama. Therefore, in 10%, which you cannot change, accept people as they are.

So, happiness is your choice and not your destiny. Whatever you do, think if it will be help or benefit others.

Any thought directed towards the ego, may make you unhappy, but if it is directed towards the soul, it will always lead to inner happiness.

At the 26th Perfect Health Mela to be held at Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium from 18th to 20th October, we’ll launch a Happiness Index to calculate how many people are unhappy. The Mela also offers counselling services for those who feel the need for any help to manage their stress.

Visit the Perfect Health Mela to find out your Happiness Index.

Join the movement #MainKhushToHiIndiaKhush to be launched at the Perfect Health Mela.

Stress management at the Perfect Health Mela


Dr KK Aggarwal

Padma Shri Awardee

President Confederation of Medical Associations in Asia and Oceania (CMAAO)

Group Editor-in-Chief IJCP Publications

President Heart Care Foundation of India

Past National President IMA

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